Today Niantic released an announcement about #IngressPrime #beta and how you can participate.

Go to one of the Cassandra Prime anomalies before the end of September and Ingress Prime Beta will be open to you.

The announcement does not say when those who are attending the anomaly will get their hands on a copy of Ingress Prime. They did mention that the 50 random agents picked from the 2017 Navarro ENL winning team will be granted access shortly after July 28th and the first anomaly set.

The other groups of Agents that will be gaining access by the end of August are the POC’s from Osiris Sequence, POC’s from Camp Navarro & Schloss Kaltenberg and those who participated in the Prime Challenge during the Cassandra Prime XM Anomaly events.

Current Beta Access List

More ways are coming soon, from Mission days, Social Media campaigns and who knows where else they may come from, so keep your eyes and ears open!


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