RedSoloCup’s League of Ingress Agents
The Global Community Manager for Niantic has created a Telegram channel for ingress agents, “RedSoloCup’s League of Ingress Agents” or RLIA. The description of the channel is, “A chat run by Ingress Global Community Manager and Agent RedSoloCup for things related to Ingress. By default, chat will be restricted.” And an initial post of what […]
Niantic’s VP of Marketing hosts AMA on Reddit

You can read the entire reddit post here: Happy 20th Birthday Google (September 4, 1998). I was a part of Keyhole and the launch of Google Maps and Google Earth and wrote a book about it. AMA. from r/IAmA Some Interesting Questions/Answers we liked: ImgursDownvote4Love How do you get the satellite images? How often are […]