Mission Days Update – Niantic Has Listened to Agents

We heard a lot of discussion about the change in Mission Days in a previous post, where Niantic announced they were going to lose the scanner for the events in lieu of a paper map.  The conjecture was that it was a limitation in the scanner or other means to catch spoofers.  Overwhelmingly, Agents came […]

How to NOT Get Banned

Niantic released a statement today reminding Agents that buying in-game items is a big NO NO.  Matter of fact, it can get you banned. For – eveeer.  So don’t do it. Not only that but just remember that every time you buy something from a 3rd party dealer, you are encouraging them to spam channels […]

Prime Scanner at Epiphany Night

Some agents are getting notifications about the Ingress Prime Scanner possibly making an appearance at Epiphany Night.  How the notification is worded, “Under the watchful eye of the NIA”, seems to suggest that this will be another demo type viewing such as they’ve done in the past.  We can assume that there will be plenty […]