60: Community, Sightings and a Wave of Bans
Today on the show: World Oceans Day – 1.7x AP for linking & fielding A wave of bans rolls in for world oceans day #GlyphChallenge June 14-16 – MIND Ingress Community is now live: https://community.ingress.com AMA, Andrew Krug DunRaven Case Study 030 – The last one (028 is the kolan episode that isn’t numbered) Listen […]
Niantic says, You are more likely to get banned using Scanner [Redacted]
Android Q has changed things that may trigger a ban from Niantic if you are using Ingress Scanner [Redacted]. The fix is to either rollback or switch to Prime. If you have already found yourself banned because of this bug, then you should head to support and open a trouble ticket.
How to NOT Get Banned
Niantic released a statement today reminding Agents that buying in-game items is a big NO NO. Matter of fact, it can get you banned. For – eveeer. So don’t do it. Not only that but just remember that every time you buy something from a 3rd party dealer, you are encouraging them to spam channels […]