Epiphany Night – Registration: Open

Camp Navarro, Epiphany Night. It’s coming soon, less than 40 days away. Your chance to be a part of it and join in on the experiments and fun is here. You can see more information on the Ingress Events page. Let us know if you are planning to go and if you are on a […]

Agent Auditions now open!

Are you one of the best and brightest Ingress agents?  You must be if you’re a member of the Agent Academy!  So make us proud and go submit your audition for Akira Tsukasa’s Agent Olympiad.  You can find more information in the translated post below:   Agents, Mr. Akira The experiment, “Agent Olympiad”, which will […]

Guardian Medal Retired!

Niantic announces the retirement of the Guardian Medal! Agents who have achieved 140 or 80 days will gain the onyx or platinum badge and if you have not acquired the badge, it will be removed from your profile completely. Let us know what you think about this change. Effective immediately, the Guardian medal is retired […]

You can now submit more portals!

Today, Niantic announced on the @INGRESS twitter account that they would be adding 7 more portal submissions to your current submission queue. So get out there and submit some more portals! If you are below level 10, you will be able to start submitting portals for the network once you get to that level. Agents, […]