Mission Day Guidelines for 2020 have been published! Go out and make some Mission Days!


Ingress players who want to have a special game experience can apply for a Mission Day they design by submitting a set of missions for their city. Niantic will provide support by uploading your missions and displaying the event on the Ingress official event website and the Ingress community forum.

To help you plan a successful Mission Day, we’ve put together this guide to outline what Niantic needs in order to provide you with this support.

This is your Mission Day. In order to receive Niantic’s support for a successful Mission Day of your design, please include the following in your submission:

  • Completed 2020 Mission Day application form
  • A list of portals, descriptions, and badges images of 18 official Mission Day missions on Niantic templates. Submissions using altered templates will not be considered

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