Ingress Updates (IUENG) on Telegram posted a call to capture portals at a specific time. Here is the message:

Attention, all Agents around the world,
this is a crossfaction call to the scanners. We all want the Dark XM Event medal, but we need to collaborate to unlock it.

At the time of writing this post, we have captured 23% more portals compared to the baseline. At this rate, we’d only capture 125.000 portals, 30% of the goal. But not all is lost, we can completely overturn this datum with the effort of every one of you: fight next to each other for one day 💙💚

• How? Organise with your community an operation to capture all the portals in your city, together with the other faction. If you are alone or in a remote area of the world, go out and colour your area. Each portal is relevant!

• When? The call is for the 9 pm of April 28th of your local timezone: this way we will create a wave of colour from the east to the west! You can go out before that time to capture portals inaccessible during the evening. The decay will not destroy them for several hours, don’t worry about that.

• What else? Don’t use XMPs. Put them in a capsule, forget about them. It is not relevant which faction is the owner, they just don’t have to be neutral.

Reshare this message to all the groups you know, we will win all together!

The Agent Academy will be going out tomorrow night at 9pm to do what we can and we hope that you join, so together we can stop the Dark XM spread.

Spread the word, post in comms.

Easy Link:


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