42: Ingress Missions
This is an episode that you’ll not want to be MISSION. It’s all missions extravaganza! Today on the show : MISSIONS Listen on iTunes MEDIA ACQUIRED Mission Authoring Tool: https://mission-author-dot-betaspike.appspot.com/ Mission Day at Sea: https://www.missiondayatsea.com Mission Mosaics: https://ingressmosaik.com/ Mission Banners: http://ingressbanners.com/ Ingress Mission Information: https://support.ingress.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002055288-Ingress-Missions Mission Criteria: https://support.ingress.com/hc/en-us/articles/206625348 Discover & Share Missions: https://support.ingress.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002057248-Discover-Share-Missions AMA […]
Mission Days Update – Niantic Has Listened to Agents

We heard a lot of discussion about the change in Mission Days in a previous post, where Niantic announced they were going to lose the scanner for the events in lieu of a paper map. The conjecture was that it was a limitation in the scanner or other means to catch spoofers. Overwhelmingly, Agents came […]