73: Perptua, Spirituatlist 7 and Wayfare Update
Today on the show: Wayfare Changes – Reporting Abuse http://bit.ly/OPRAbuse This form is only available to active Wayfinders. Please use your Wayfarer Login email to submit the report. In ADDITION to giving it a one in OPR (Wayfare) Offensive or abusive title/description edits. Invalid location edits. Issues with photos. Fake nominations. 13 Archetypes: Spiritualist 7, […]
67: Ingress subscriptions, Seven year event, Catan World Explorers and much more!
Today on the show: Ingress Update v2.35.2 Agent Stats Group: https://www.agent-stats.com/groups.php?group=5a166782396828.47041194 Added updated safety messages to app loading screen. Increased XM brightness on high-end devices Added portal names to long-press menu on map screen (Also key and no key hack) Added help text to indicate why a portal link cannot be created Some store items […]