It’s out! Available in the store for download or update.
You WILL lose access to version 1, until “Scanner [REDACTED]” is released, which should be any day now.
With the release we have some new features:
RECURSION – Reset your AP to 0, which resets your level to 1. Once you start the recursion, it takes 4 hours before you can complete it. You will get a new medal and any medals you already have that double the original goal for onyx will have a phoenix surrounding the badge and show the amount of times you have completed that medal.
Bundles in the store – You can buy different bundles of items in the store now that include bursters and aegis shields. This is a hot button topic. There are a bunch of people up in arms about it. Let us know what you think. I’m still digesting the information, but my gut reaction is that the bundles are very expensive for what you get. Roughly $5 US for Common packs and $10 US for Rare packs.
Attack Bundle (Common) 7500 CMU
L7XMP x 50
L7US x 20
Attack Bundle (rare) 14900CMU
L7XMP x 125
L7US x 50
Defense Bundle (Common) 7500 CMU
L4 Resonator x 20
L5 Resonator x 10
L6 Resonator x 10
L7 Resonator x 5
L8 Resonator x 5
Common Shield x 10
Defense Bundle (Rare) 14900 CMU
L4 Resonator x 40
L5 Resonator x 20
L6 Resonator x 20
L7 Resonator x 10
L8 Resonator x 10
Aegis Shield x 5
Power Bundle (Common) 7500 CMU
Lawson x 2
L8 Cube x 20
Power Bundle (Rare) 14900 CMU
Lawson x 5
L8 Cube x 50
There are probably some other surprises that we will find out soon! Let us know what you think!
//Agent GoonieGuy
PS, Here are some Screenshots from Agent @Arcticrebel newly recursed: