53: Ko Lan, Abaddon Prime, Shards & Name Reservations for Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
Today on the Agent Academy: KO LAN – Things are happening or did happen over there. New portals, just for the event. Agents performing actions to those portals that are on the 2 teams that went to ko lan. https://www.agentacademypodcast.com/ingress-news/operation-ko-lan-update-activity-on-the-ground/ Abaddon prime opened applications for embedded reporters: https://www.agentacademypodcast.com/ingress-news/abaddon-prime-embedded-reporter-applications-now-open/ You can reserve your Ingress or Pokemon […]
Operation Ko Lan update – Activity on the ground
So, it appears things have been happening on the island of Ko Lan. If you check the intel, not only will you notice agents from both factions have appeared to be at all the locations we previously mentioned. There are also some interesting messages in comms detailed below: Operation Ko Lan Day 1 Day one […]
KO LAN – Your Path Begins Here – New portals added to intel
UPDATE #4: Portals are back on intel Path to the Osiris Stone If you take a look at the intel map around KOLAN, you can find these portals listed, 1-17. Starting with “your path begins here” – https://intel.ingress.com/intel?ll=12.91254,100.76909&z=17&pll=12.91254,100.76909 Then continues up the mountainside to portal “Path to the Osiris stone #17” – https://intel.ingress.com/intel?ll=12.91957,100.77682&z=17&pll=12.91957,100.77682 In total, […]
43: KO LAN or BUST!
KO LAN is all the rage this week, so be sure to check out youtube and search for #KOLANREADY to find all the videos from the Ingress Agents who are competing to go! Today on the show : Andrew Krug says to watch social media for some exciting news AMA will be released a […]
Operation: Ko Lan – Video Released with Updated Information
Niantic has released a new video with more details for Operation: Ko Lan. With the video, a new Operation: Ko Lan events page with even more details about the event has been released. Here is the video: What is Operation: Ko Lan? A new event from Niantic for Agents in Ingress from April 11-15 […]