During the anomalies this year, there will be other activities that you can participate. These appear to be at only specific locations. So far, San Diego is the only one with the listed events, though other Primary Anomaly locations have a placeholder for GORUCK activities. There is a fee of $20 to join in these other activities and some will be happening during the Anomaly and/or Mission day time slots. Here is a list from the San Diego registration page:
FRIDAY – Intel Ops $20
6PM-9PM Friday. Want to be a super spy? Engage in an espionage and surveillance mission that tests all your agent skills. Teams of up to five agents will sneak and spy. Run by Foxhound as part of the NIA Intel division. In-app Intel Ops medal will be awarded to onsite participants.
FRIDAY – Stealth Ops $20
6PM-11PM Friday. Want to be an action hero? Physical and leadership training, for agents who want to shine above the rest. Run by GORUCK as part of the NIA TKO division. In-app Stealth Ops medal will be awarded to onsite participants.
SATURDAY – Prime Challenge $20
10AM-3PM Saturday. The Tactical and Kinetic Operations is looking for the best agents to perform the most difficult challenges. Compete for your faction as part of a six-agent squad, and for the opportunity to join Operation Ko Lan next year. Run by GORUCK as part of the NIA TKO division. In-app Prime Challenge medal will be awarded to onsite participants.
SUNDAY – Operation Clear Field $20
10AM-2PM Sunday. A collaborative community service mission, to repair damage done by the destructive XM signal. Run by GORUCK as part of the NIA TKO division. In-app OCF medal will be awarded to onsite participants.
SUNDAY – Operation Portal Recon: Live $20
10AM-2PM Sunday. Submit portal additions, edits, and deletions in the anomalous zone, and have them processed by live NIA ops.
There is more information on GORUCK’s G+ page: https://plus.google.com/+GORUCK/posts/jb9T2RJ8u6X or you can read below:
GORUCK is proud to be a part of the Cassandra Prime XM Anomaly series beginning July 27, 2018.
2018 July – San Diego, CA, USA
Offering Stealth, Prime Challenge, and Operation: Clear Field
Sign-up: http://events.ingress.com/anomaly/cassandraprime/sandiego
2018 July Sapporo, JAPAN
GORUCK Event Sign-up Coming Soon
Sign-up: http://events.ingress.com/anomaly/cassandraprime/sapporo
2018 July Warsaw, POLAND
Offering Stealth, Prime Challenge, and Operation: Clear Field
Sign-up: http://events.ingress.com/anomaly/cassandraprime/warsaw
Q: Why is Stealth now 5-6 hours instead of 10-12 hours overnight?
A: This was a required change by Niantic. We will make sure it is a genuine challenge for our participants, and will be turning up the volume on difficulty to make it more like a classic GORUCK experience. Upside, get some sleep and come back to join us in the morning for the anomaly!
Q: The prices are drastically different. Is this right?
A: Yep!
Q: Where did Urban go?
A: Urban did not offer a good incentive for players to sign-up and we feel didn’t fit the spirit of the anomaly. This year, we’re replacing it with a new event that will have its own identity, a completely different type of challenge.
Q: What is Operation Ko Lan?
A: An elite competition in Thailand for 2019.. more info coming soon!
Q: What is Prime Challenge and how is it tied into Operation Ko Lan?
A: Prime Challenge will be run during the anomaly itself, and will be a new way to experience the anomaly and support your faction. You will participate in squads. There will not be a weight requirement. It will be fast-paced and quick-moving both mentally and physically, so start training now!
Q: Can I do Prime Challenge and the anomaly at the same time?
A: Prime Challenge is a part of the anomaly, and the outcome will directly affect the anomaly score. However, you must either play on an anomaly team or a Prime Challenge team, not both.
Q: What is Intel Ops on Friday evening in San Diego? Is GORUCK involved? Can I do both that and Stealth together?
A: That is an exciting new event by a separate entity, not associated with GORUCK. Intel Ops will be a mental challenge as Stealth is a physical challenge. You will not be able to do both events at once.
Q: How do Prime Challenge’s squads work?
A: You will complete registration on Niantic’s site, and then complete a separate registration for your squad of 6. You will be competing together. The best performers will be eligible for Ko Lan — stay tuned for a bigger announcement from Niantic with the specifics!
Q: Will there be a way to continue my Urban patch tier?
A: Not at this time. Our Urban event is considered retired for now.
Q: Patches??
A: Stealth is our legacy event and will be a patched event. We will continue doing Stealth tiers until our tiered patch supply lasts, as always. Prime Challenge will not have patches. OCF will not have participant patches, but there will likely be patches for the winning teams.
Q: In-scanner badges??
A: We will have a badge announcement once they’re ready — we absolutely don’t want to tell you the wrong thing and have to make a retraction. We’re hoping for at least one new badge this year, and a tiered badge announcement, but that is ultimately in Niantic’s hands.