Some agents using the beta version of Apple’s iOS are reporting that Ingress no longer works. This is possibly attributed to the end of support for RoboVM the engine that the iOS version of Ingress is built off of and the major reason for the push to finally get Ingress Prime released.
This is not the first time this has happened. In the past during beta tests Ingress and other applications would be reported as not working and then when the release has finally hit, there were no issues. That doesn’t mean that this will be the case this time. Especially with the release being slated for early September.
This will be a hard version to not upgrade to for iPhone users if the current information coming out is to be trusted. For starters, Apple claims that iPhone 6 Plus users will notice 40% faster loading time when launching apps, 70% faster when launching the camera and the keyboard at a 50% speed increase.
There is a fork of RoboVM out there and maybe something Ingres will work with, but only time will tell.
The Agent Academy advises everyone to wait before upgrading to iOS 12 to ensure that you will still be able to open your scanner and it functions properly. With Prime just over a month away, hopefully, and beta possibly sooner, you won’t have to wait long to upgrade your iPhone as well.