65: New Ingress Vanguards chosen, Ingress Prime Updates, Field Test Hexathlon and MORE!

Today on the show: Website – we haven’t had time to add news lately. Not sure that will change till after september. New Vanguards have been notified. There are 19 new ones to round out those who have been retired. We’ll hear about who they are later. Big UI overhaul coming in 2.31 – Portal […]
61: Harry Potter Wizards Unite Doubles the AP for Ingress

Today on the show: 1.975x AP event until June 24th at 7PM UTC to celebrate the release of HP:WU Multi-colored XM in the scanner to celebrate #PrideMonth Scanner update https://community.ingress.com/en/discussion/1619/ingress-prime-v-2-25-2-release-notes includes: Compass Use of photo that is already on your phone Increase in distance of portal location from agent to 25km In-App access to support […]
Portal Decay Update
After Agent PopeJPMcD asked about the recent portal decaying issues, there was a post from Niantic’s Global Community Manager, Andrew Krug about the portal decay issue: I don’t like passing the buck or providing an update that isn’t meaningful. So at the risk of those two things, we know the what. We don’t conclusively know the […]
Scanner [REDACTED], Niantic retains Ingress 1.0 after Prime Release

In an email, Niantic announced a new App called, “Scanner [REDACTED]” which will be the current Ingress 1.0 that those not in Beta are running. This is an interesting announcement which tells us a few things. First, we will still be able to retain functionality that we thought we would lose for a few weeks, […]
Ingress Prime Beta NDA has been lifted!

Emails have been sent out today for beta users of prime, Agent, Thank you for your participation in the Ingress Prime Closed Beta. As of today, eligible Phase 3 Agents have started to receive access to the Beta and we’re kicking off our Agent Preview Phase. This means you are relieved of the restrictions of […]
37: Ingress Prime Beta is Here!

Today on the show : Agent Zelibeli will not be with us tonight, but we have much to talk about…. Some people are watching “Ingress: The Animation” early Prime Beta Invites are rolling out Several agents received an email from PA Chapeau that led them to the Dunraven Foundation. Is this the beginning stages […]
36: 1017pm

It’s a day of Malorting and Blessing the rains. Have a Happy 1017pm DAY! Listen on iTunes SITREP TOS Update: https://www.nianticlabs.com/terms/en/ KRUG UPDATE: no update on whether this makes iitc now legal. ANIME has started! (or has it) Digital Readiness Bundles have been sent, check your email GORUCK Operation: Clear Field event in Brno […]
ALERT: Reports of Ingress Not Working in Beta Version iOS 12

Some agents using the beta version of Apple’s iOS are reporting that Ingress no longer works. This is possibly attributed to the end of support for RoboVM the engine that the iOS version of Ingress is built off of and the major reason for the push to finally get Ingress Prime released. This is not the […]
Offsite Eligibility Clarification For Cassandra Prime

Niantic Labs has released a new post on the #Ingress G+ page. We previously talked about this on the Agent Academy Podcast as some Exclusive Intel that Andrew Krug dropped on us. There is much more detail in this post that should help you navigate the Offsite participation possibilities during #CassandraPrime anomaly. The Eligible roles […]
Cassandra Prime Registration now Open!

Registration is now open, so go get your tickets! Agent GoonieGuy will be there with the entire Goonies pack. Look for him to get a special BioCard only available at Cassandra Prime. There are multiple supporter kit offerings ($10, $30, $60). You can also just get the ticket for free. At the time of this post, […]